GXP 2.0 Time Management
This page and the resources linked are intended to assist employees and managers in using the GaelXpress 2.0 Time Entry and Approval web application and generally do not discuss management policy or best practices.
If the resources below do not answer your questions please reach out to the Payroll Office via email: payroll@myxiwei.com.
GaelXpress 2.0 Direct Link
Requires SMC login
Bi-Weekly Payroll Schedule: http://ivh4.myxiwei.com/offices-services/payroll/bi-weekly-payroll-s…
For Employees
- PDF - Time Entry Quick Reference
- condensed guide to get employees up and running in GXP 2.0
- Slides - Time Entry Instructions for Non-Exempt Positions
- more in-depth guide for new employees, generally applicable to exempt positions as well
- PDF - Tabbing Through Timecard for Non-Exempt Employees
- technique for effciently entering 2+ lines per day using only keyboard
- FAQ - GXP 2.0 Time Entry
For Faculty Employees
- Slides - Time Entry for Faculty
For Managers and Supervisors
- PDF - Time Approval Instructions
- FAQ - GXP 2.0 Time Approval
- Approval Proxy - you may grant temporary or ongoing access to another department member to approve on your behalf
- Currently you must request access for your proxy user, please email payroll@myxiwei.com
- PDF - Guide for Proxy Users
Archived GXP 1.0 --> GXP 2.0 time entry & approval migration schedule